Private Knowledge Platform empowered by Generative AI

Take control of your your AI destiny with our private LLM

Pain Point

The Constraints of Cloud-based Platform
Powered by ChatGPT

Traditional knowledge management systems lacked sophistication and intelligence, leading many businesses to explore systems that use advanced technology, such as ChatGPT. However, public language models like ChatGPT may have limitations in enterprise environments.
Data Safety Risk

Companies handling sensitive data may have concerns about data privacy and security with ChatGPT’s use of external servers.

Lack of Model Output Control

Enterprises need control over ChatGPT for brand standard. Without oversight, inappropriate or inaccurate output could harm their reputation.

High Ongoing Cost

Utilizing ChatGPT for enterprise knowledge management can become expensive, depending on usage and scale.

Dependency on External Service

Using services like ChatGPT can expose businesses to disruptions or policy changes, affecting their knowledge systems’ availability and reliability.


Get Generative AI Power But Keep Control

We deliver a game-changing user experience and unique values, significantly boosting productivity and freeing clients from the constraints of using external services.

Fully Utilize Generative AI Capabilities

Automated content generation and data analysis by generative AI can speed up decision-making, free up more resources for creative work, and enable personalized customer interactions and process optimization.

Unlimited Customization

Our solution, equipped with Private LLMs, can be customized to your specific needs unlike generic commercial ones. It uses your proprietary data and terminology, resulting in improved accuracy and performance for your unique tasks.

Improved Data Security and Privacy

It keeps sensitive information secure and confidential, away from third-party servers and potential vulnerabilities, especially when dealing with sensitive data or adhering to strict data privacy regulations.

Cost Efficiency

While an initial investment is required, once deployed, it can result in long-term savings. Unlike commercialized LLMs with pay-per-use or subscription fees, our solution removes these ongoing costs, making them more cost-effective for high-usage organizations.

Full Control and Ownership

Our solution offers total control over its development, deployment, and upkeep. With no restrictions from commercial providers, you can update your LLM to meet changing needs.

Integration with Internal Systems

Private LLMs can be seamlessly integrated with internal tools and systems, facilitating more efficient workflows and improved productivity.


Experience how our knowledge platform unleashes the power of business knowledge assets.

We confidently offer a unique value proposition by providing you with the benefits of Generative AI and complete control.


Lean but Effective Platform Empowered by LLMs and RAG

Seamless data integration, high-performance data processing, easy customization and scaling, and simple creation and training of private LLMs.


A Robust Foundation for Creating Tailored Apps for Self-control, Customization, and Efficiency

Compatible with Common Hardware

It operates efficiently on small servers with diverse hardware, removing the need for expensive, dedicated AI GPUs.

High-Speed Processing

Integrated, high-speed big data processing engine designed for the real-time acquisition and processing of knowledge.

Roles and Permissions

Granular access control to data can be configured based on user roles.

Seamless Integration

Fully equipped with SDK that seamlessly integrate with diverse applications

use cases

Use Cases Are Vast, Across Business Functions.

Below are some common uses cases that you may find interesting. 

Personalized Support

AI-powered chatbots provide instant, personalized responses to customer inquiries based on their purchase history, product usage, and preferences.

Customer Engagement

AI generates personalized follow-up emails, product recommendations, and offers based on customer behavior and preferences, fostering loyalty and increasing customer lifetime value.

Predictive Issue Resolution

AI analyzes product usage data and customer feedback to predict potential issues and proactively offer solutions, minimizing downtime and improving customer satisfaction.

Proposal Generation

AI automatically tailors proposals to specific customer objections and priorities, dynamically adjusting pricing and terms to maximize win rates.

Document Management

AI automatically tags and categorizes documents, extracts key information, and even summarizes complex legal agreements, enabling quick and accurate information retrieval.

Virtual Training

AI creates immersive VR/AR simulations that mimic complex scenarios for customer-facing employees, providing a hyper-realistic training environment.

Performance Review

AI goes beyond identifying trends to generating narrative summaries of individual employee performance, highlighting key accomplishments, areas for growth, and potential career paths.

Candidate Sourcing

AI proactively identifies passive candidates based on their skills, experience, and online activity, and crafts personalized outreach messages tailored to their interests and career aspirations.

Idea Generation

AI generates novel product concepts by combining seemingly unrelated ideas and trends, sparking innovation and uncovering hidden market opportunities.

Concept Testing

AI analyzes vast amounts of unstructured data, such as social media conversations, online reviews, and forum discussions, to gauge consumer sentiment and interest in new product concepts.

Launch Planning

AI simulates different market launch scenarios, considering various pricing strategies, marketing channels, and competitive dynamics, helping to identify the optimal launch approach.

Feedback Analysis

AI analyzes customer feedback in real time, identifying emerging issues, sentiment trends, and feature requests, enabling quick product improvements and enhancements.

Knowledge Base Creation

AI continuously updates and expands the knowledge base by automatically ingesting and summarizing new information from internal and external sources.

Quality Control

AI vision systems detect defects missed by humans, enhancing quality and reducing recalls.

Fraud Detection

AI employs anomaly detection algorithms to identify unusual patterns and behaviors in financial transactions, flagging potential fraud cases.

Supplier Selection

AI not only analyzes supplier data but also simulates potential disruptions in the supply chain, predicting the impact of various risks and offering alternative supplier recommendations.


Choose What Meets Your Needs

We have prepared multiple packages to meet you unique needs and preferences.


SDK for Self Development


AIKNOW Assistant


Customize Popular Application


AIKNOW Assistant

Standard AIKNOW Applications

Standard AIKNOW Tools


Develop Unique Application


AIKNOW Assistant​

Standard AIKNOW Applications

Standard AIKNOW Tools

Custom AIKNOW Applications and Tools


Unique Application Across Industries

The list of industry-specific application is much longer. Contact us if you want to know more.

GenAI can significantly help the banking sector, particularly with two pressing issues: fraud detection and customer churn.


Traditional fraud detection systems can be tricked and often produce false positives, inconveniencing customers and raising costs. Banks also face high customer churn rates, leading to lost revenue and high acquisition costs.


Advanced Fraud Detection

GenAI models analyze structured transaction data and unstructured data like customer interactions, social profiles, security forums, and fraud reports. This helps uncover emerging threats, and detect frauds with more accuracy and always up-to-date

Churn Rate Optimization

GenAI models can analyze vast amounts of customer data and perform sentiment analysis on customer interactions to predict which customers are most likely to churn. This allows banks to proactively target these customers with personalized retention offers and interventions.


Significant reduction in fraud losses, improved customer experience, reduced customer churn rate, improved profitability.

We revolutionize insurance claim processing by automating tasks and improving efficiency with a holistic approach that automates multiple steps.


Manual work leads to delays in claims processing, increased time and cost, and unhappy customers.


Data Extraction and Processing

GenAI can analyze claim documents such as forms, medical records, and receipts. It extracts key information like policy details, incident descriptions, and supporting documents. This reduces manual data entry and minimizes errors.

Automated Responses

For basic claim inquiries, GenAI can generate automated responses, speeding up the initial stages of the claims process. This frees up adjusters to focus on complex cases.

Damage Assessment Assistance

GenAI can analyze photos and videos of damage (e.g., car accidents, property damage) to estimate repair costs. This can expedite settlements for straightforward claims.


Faster claim settlements, reduced costs for insurers, improved accuracy and consistency, enhanced customer experience and satisfaction

GenAI is a game-changer for retailers. It allows retailer to create personalized shopping assistants that enhance the customer experience and boost sales.


Limited customer insights, missed sales opportunity, inconsistent and inefficient customer support.


Personalized Recommendations

GenAI analyzes purchase history, browsing behavior, and social media (with permission) to recommend products, boosting conversion rates and satisfaction.

Contextual Consideration

GenAI assistants consider factors like occasion, budget, and weather to suggest the perfect outfit or recommend winter gear during a snowstorm, creating a more relevant shopping experience.

Seamless Conversations

GenAI assistants are available 24/7, answering product questions, suggesting alternatives, and building trust to encourage product exploration.


Increased sales and conversions, enhanced customer engagement, improved operational efficiency, more data-driven insights

Manufacturers can embed GenAI into their existing product to enhance product value and improve concept testing accuracy with GenAI.


Traditional concept testing uses limited data from surveys and focus groups. Products without GenAI may not adapt based on user behavior, limiting innovation and differentiation.


Enhanced Product Value

By embedding GenAI-powered features like intelligent troubleshooting, natural language commands, personalization, and auto document summarization and classification, manufacturers can greatly enhance product value and customer experiences.

Advanced Concept Testing

In addition to analyzing historical data and consumer behavior patterns, GenAI can analyze language in social media posts, reviews, and forum discussions with higher accuracy to determine the overall sentiment (positive, negative, or neutral) towards a product concept. This helps manufacturers gauge the level of interest and enthusiasm among potential customers.


Improved product values, more sophisticated product concept testing which lead to lower risk of product launching failure, higher sales and profitability.


Integrating GenAI needs full control over LLMs, with a compact model. Focus on data availability, compatibility, security, and privacy.

GenAI transforms how governments use technology to serve citizens, offering new efficiency, effectiveness, and innovation.


Inefficient processes, difficulty accessing information, citizen service challenges.


Compliance Verification Assistant

A GenAI-powered tool analyzes documents for compliance, providing instant feedback on errors. It enhances accuracy by spotting issues based on user interactions, common mistakes, and evolving regulations. It offers clear compliance explanations and quickly updates for legal changes.

Citizen Engagement Chatbot

GenAI transforms chatbots into virtual assistants. The CEC manages complex queries, even if casual or mistaken. Users can ask, “How do I renew my driver’s license?” and get tailored responses, instructions, and options. It summarizes policies, recommends services, resolves complaints, identifies issues, and helps government employees.


Improved efficiency, transparency, and accessibility of government services, enhanced citizen engagement.

Real estate companies can use virtual agents to improve customer service, increase efficiency, cut costs, and find new growth opportunities.


Repetitive tasks consume agents’ time, causing missed opportunities. Traditional chatbots struggle with natural language and personalized responses.


Personalized Virtual Agent

GenAI enables virtual agents to engage in natural conversations, understand customer intent, and offer personalized recommendations. These virtual agents also operate 24/7, capturing leads, answering questions, and scheduling appointments when human agents are unavailable.

Agent Assistant

GenAI virtual agents can automate repetitive tasks like creating real estate listings using a database of available properties and customers’ preferences. This frees up human agents to focus on high-value activities like closing deals and building relationships.


Improved lead generation, enhanced customer experience, streamlined communication, better decision-making based on data-driven insights.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Private LLMs are language models trained on your proprietary data, offering enhanced security, customization, and control compared to public models that may pose data privacy risks and lack domain-specific knowledge.

AIKNOW is built on LLAMA, a popular open source LLM engine provided by Meta Inc. In addition, we use various unique methods to improve accuracy, including learning proprietary data using RAG, knowledge graph, and data creasing.

We offer technical support to assist you throughout the deployment process and provide ongoing support to ensure the platform's success within your organization.

We provide a comprehensive SDK with APIs that enable seamless integration with various applications and workflows. Your development team can use them to develop a completed app and integrate into your system, or you can select Standard or Enterprises package.

Your customers and staff don't need any special skills to leverage the power of our knowledge platform. It usually comes with a conversational interface that interacts in natural language, making it easy for everyone to use.

You can choose the package that you find most suit your need or fill out the contact form on our website, and our representatives will reach out to schedule a demo meeting and discuss your specific needs and questions.